Tuesday, August 23, 2011

6. From The Editor

Well, I didn't know Jesse's email address was still active (BrotherJesse@windsweptpress.com),  
but I just got a note from Sleepy in Coxsackie pointing out that St. Lucy was never known in any of the Church archives to be voluptuous.  Certainly not by her students, probably.  Yes, I know she lost her eyes and re-grew them after a pagan Hottentot gouged them out!  Awful story.  Why did they have such messy martyrdoms back in antiquity?  Couldn't they have just popped a nine millimeter behind her ear or administered a lethal injection? And why do we always blame pagans.  The pagan young ladies who sometimes come up the clove* and bathe in the little falls at the end of the road have always seemed quite lovely to us Brothers!  I can't imagine them gouging anyone's eyes out.

Anyway, Jesse once told me Voluptuous Lucy on our stained glass window is St. Lucy Junior, the first daughter of old St. Lucy.  She became a wayward teen while Mom was recovering from her martyrdom and couldn't see what Lucy Jr. was wearing when she left for school in the morning.  Eyeglasses run in the family.  Astigmatism was rampant and many of her contemporaries said St. Lucy the Mom couldn't see very well with or without her eyes.  But we presume the eyes helped a lot.  

Church history!  You can't make this stuff up!  Well, Jesse could.   RSF!!  (That's rideo sicco fortis, latin for LOL.)


*What we call a cleft in the steep mountainside around here, like a more vertical gorge with alternating waterfalls and pools of water.

(Crank it up.  The volume is a bit low on this, but I liked the composite of different years, musicians, etc.)

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