Friday, November 11, 2011

70. Mushrooms

So, a few days ago Sally came to visit and have a look around the monastery.  If indeed this Sally is my guardian angel, it is truly bizarre!  Before Agnes set out with her on a tour of the facility, he asked me to round up everyone and assemble them in the Pit, where most of us were working anyway.  Fifteen minutes later Agnes brought my angel to the top step overlooking  ten quizzical monks.  His introduction of Sally was perfunctory and short.

“Gentlemen,” he said, “I’d like to present Ms. Sally Prendel. She is a real estate broker and she will be working with us on our financial problems.”

Waiting for more information, a few of us glanced at each other with looks that were just short of derisive. We waited to finally hear something about our future, which by now seemed more dark than ever. But Agnes quickly ushered Sally out from our presence. Still under the Rule until after supper, we remained quiet. We weren’t conscientiously keeping the silence. We were too shocked at being told nothing. I thought of my older brother’s term for this style of managing employees in his corporate world: Mushroom Management. “Keep ‘em in the dark and feed ‘em horseshit.”

I went looking for Terd when I noticed he was not with us in the Pit. But he wasn't just absent. He had departed.

The Eagles - Already Gone

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